The Biomedical Research Foundation is an ongoing non-profit activity of CAMPBE, that functions within the spirit and goals of the Association.
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Objectives and Goals
The promotion of research in the field of Medical Physics and Bio-Medical Engineering.
Encouragement and coordination of research efforts by different research centres, academic institutions and other organizations in Cyprus and abroad with the objective of enhancing the level of medical care in Cyprus.
Collaboration with corresponding International Foundations and Organizations for the exchange of scientific information, scientific personnel, organization of seminars, publication of dissertations, etc.
Establishment, with the cooperation of existing centres, of the necessary laboratory infrastructure for studies and research.
Establishment of a scientific library and data bank for use by the public and researchers.
Establishment of a Research Fund for the deposit of funds and donations for the financing of particular research programmes which will be submitted to the Foundation and be approved by its Board of Directors.
To secure resources for the Administrative Fund of the Foundation which will give it the ability of financial independence.
Monitoring,supervision and coordination of the ongoing reserch work.
Collection of any benefits which are a result of financed work, based on agreement(s) between the Board of Directors and the researcher(s), for strengthening the Foundations Research Fund,
Acceptance of money, technical equipment, installations, shares, land, donations, which will be used for the execution of research work.